KC Streetcar Constructors Shift to Early Morning Work
Concrete crews will work in the early morning hours due to excessive heat and to limit impacts to the traveling public.
(Kansas City, MO) - The rising temperatures over the next few weeks are requiring some KC Streetcar Main Street Extension construction crews to shift to early morning work. Starting Wednesday, July 17, concrete crews with the KC Streetcar Constructors will start early morning shifts at 4 a.m. to protect crews from the excessive heat.
WHO: KC Streetcar Constructors, in conjunction with the Kansas City, Missouri Police Department.
KC Streetcar Constructors pouring concrete at Main Street and 45th Street.
WHEN: To protect crews from the excessive heat and to limit disruptions to the traveling public on Brookside Boulevard and Main Street, crews anticipate pouring concrete at 4 a.m. the following days, weather and unforeseen circumstances permitting:
Wednesday, July 17
Friday, July 19
Monday, July 22
Wednesday, July 24
Friday, July 26
WHERE: KC Streetcar Constructors will pour concrete for the southbound (west side) track on Main Street between 45th Street and Emanuel Cleaver II Boulevard.
Officers with the Kansas City, Missouri Police Department will assist with traffic control during this process to facilitate a safe and efficient operation.
MEDIA: For day of media opportunities or interviews, please call 816-337-1013 prior to the event. For any media on site, please stay on the sidewalk away from any work movement and outside of the construction zone.
Early morning construction will be limited to concrete work along the KC Streetcar Main Street Extension corridor and other types of work that are not loud or disruptive. Crews will continue working on all other construction activities such as demolition, excavation, and grinding during regular daytime hours.
On early start days, KC Streetcar Constructors will monitor the decibel levels of all equipment being used in the work zone. Backup alarms on equipment will be switched to white noise to keep the activity as quiet as possible. In addition, crews will work to make sure lighting stays within the work zone so as not to disturb nearby residences and businesses.
Stay on track with the KC Streetcar Main Street Extension by visiting https://buildkcstreetcar.com, signing up for Weekly Construction Updates, or contacting the KC Streetcar Constructors at info@buildkcstreetcar.com.