KC Streetcar Constructors Recognizes National Work Zone Awareness Week (April 17-21 )
What is National Work Zone Awareness Week (NWZAW)?
National Work Zone Awareness Week (NWZAW) is an annual campaign to encourage safe driving through highway work zones.
This safety campaign dates back to 1997 when members of the Virginia Department of Transportation wanted to promote work zone safety before construction picked up in the summer. Because it was so successful, the California Department of Transportation followed suit. Before long, the first official NWZAW event was held in Springfield, Va. in 2000. Now, transportation departments apply to host the national event every other year.
2023 NWZAW Theme
KC Streetcar Constructors remind you to drive safe in the work zones on Main Street!
The theme for this year’s National Work Zone Awareness Week is “You play a role in work zone safety. Work with us.” The construction can be tough but it’s important that we all take responsibility to continue driving safely on Main Street to protect you, crews, and all those traveling throughout the KC Streetcar Main Street Extension project corridor!
NWZAW 2023 Events
Day One: The campaign kicks off on Monday, April 17 with a Work Zone Safety Training day. The purpose of this is for companies to take time for safety demonstrations and discussions about safety policies. This is an opportunity for training and open discussions about policies and expectations.
Day Two: On Tuesday, April 18 is the national kickoff event. This year, Missouri is the host state! The national kickoff event will be held at 10 a.m. at the new I-70 westbound bridge over the Missouri River near Rocheport. MoDOT will livestream the kickoff here.
Day Three: Wednesday, April 19 is Go Orange Day! All roadway safety professionals are encouraged to wear orange to show support of work zone safety. Look out for KCSC crews wearing their orange!
Above shows a drone photo looking north on Main Street near 41st Street.
Day Four: Thursday, April 20 is a social media storm! Different organizations and companies will be sharing messages throughout social media all day using #NWZAW and #WorkZoneSafety hashtags.
Day Five: Friday, April 21 is saved for the Moment of Silence. This day is an opportunity to remember those who lost their lives in a work zone incident. In 2020, 857 people were killed in fatal work zone crashes. 117 of those were workers, while the majority of people killed were drivers and their passengers.
Thank you for staying safe in the KC Streetcar Main Street Extension work zone by staying alert, minimizing distractions, following posted detours, and staying out of active work zones. Plan ahead, be patient, and be courteous of other road users and construction workers!