New Year, New Rail!
The first delivery of rail for the KC Streetcar Main Street Extension were delivered to the construction site at 27th and Main on Tuesday, Jan. 4, 2022, in Kansas City.
Rail for the Kansas City Streetcar Main Street Extension is delivering the first two weeks of January 2022.
Nearly 700 tons of rail is on the way to Kansas City, Missouri for the KC Streetcar Main Street Extension.
Delivery is anticipated to take two weeks with four trucks per day delivering a total of 458 sticks of rail for the KC Streetcar Main Street Extension. Upon arrival, the rail is being stored near the intersection of 27th and Main Street. Once all rail is delivered crews will begin welding the sticks into 400-foot sections on site.
The rail for the Main Street Extension originated in Pueblo, Colorado and was stored at a facility in Kansas City, Kansas. Each rail stick is 80 feet long and weighs 3,100 pounds - that’s the same size as a fully grown rhinoceros at the Kansas City Zoo!