What’s going on at the Kite E. Singleton Maintenance Yard?

The Kite E. Singleton Maintenance Yard, also known as the Vehicle Maintenance Facility (VMF), is undergoing a significant expansion to accommodate the growing streetcar line which will eventually span 6.5 miles from the Missouri River to the University of Missouri - Kansas City at 51st St and Brookside Boulevard once operational in 2025. The VMF expansion, scheduled to be completed in 2024, will accommodate an expanded streetcar fleet, operational and maintenance growth and involves several parts.  

One part of the expansion is the addition of new streetcar track. Three additional tracks will be built to accommodate additional streetcars and operations. Rail delivery for the tracks took place on Monday, January 30 and includes 33 sticks of rail. Each stick is 80-feet long and weighs about 3,100 pounds! The rail originated in Pueblo, Colorado and has been transported via train to a storage area in Kansas City, Kansas before being delivered and stored in the current work zone on 2nd Street between Grand Boulevard/Berkley Parkway and Oak Street.

Rail is delivered to the VMF on Monday, January 30. The rail will be used to build three additional tracks.

In addition to the track, the VMF expansion includes:

  • A new, double-length maintenance bay for the streetcars (also known as Bay 4)

  • A new warehouse building for storing parts and equipment

  • Improvements to the annex building to include an expanded operations center and small parts storage

  • Improvements to the administrative and operational space

    This expansion will help to house eight new streetcars, bringing the fleet to a total of 14 streetcars!

Coordination is key.

The VMF is expanding within its own backyard. Working in close quarters to the existing facility requires contractors to work closely with the KC Streetcar Authority to ensure streetcar operations continue running smoothly.  With many aspects of construction being close to the tracks where streetcars enter and exit the VMF, the KC Streetcar Authority’s operations team coordinates closely with construction crews to ensure the tracks are powered on when streetcars need to get in and out of the facility.

KC Streetcar Constructors construct the grade beams for Bay 4 next to the KC Streetcar Authority. A streetcar is parked in Track 3 while Tracks 2 and 1 remain operational.

These vital coordination efforts ensure the current streetcar system remains operational while the construction of the Main Street Extension takes place.

Additionally, Kansas City Streetcar Constructors crews are coordinating with private utility companies such as Spire, Evergy, KC Water, and Communications utilities. These coordination efforts lead to a more efficient project by ensuring utilities are relocated and out of the way of the new additions to the VMF.

Keep up to date on VMF work and all KC Streetcar Main Street Extension project news by signing up for the weekly construction update https://www.buildkcstreetcar.com/contact.


KC Streetcar Constructors to Move Rail for Track Construction


Sparks Fly for the KC Streetcar Main Street Extension