KC Streetcar Constructors to Work Overnight in River Market Neighborhood

Crews will work overnight at the intersection of Grand Boulevard at 3rd Street to minimize traffic impacts.

Beginning Monday, March 27 for approximately 2-3 weeks, Magnum Boring, under the direction of KC Streetcar Constructors, will work overnight at the intersection of 3rd Street and Grand Boulevard to perform underground electrical work. Construction will start as early as 12:30 a.m. and last until 5 a.m. The intersection will be closed during overnight work hours and will reopen during non-construction hours.

WHO: Magnum Boring, under the direction of KC Streetcar Constructors

WHEN: Beginning Monday, March 27, 2023, and lasting through April 7, 2023, weather and unforeseen circumstances permitting.

WHERE: Overnight work will only take place at the southern half of the intersection of 3rd Street and Grand Boulevard. All other work for the KC Streetcar Main Street Extension will continue to take place during normal working hours.

WHAT: Crews will be installing electrical conduits and wires by directional boring. This is a technique performed to avoid digging trenches and disrupting the surface.

During overnight work, KC Streetcar Constructors will monitor the decibel levels of all equipment being used in the work zone. Backup alarms on equipment will be switched to white noise to keep the activity as quiet as possible. In addition, crews will work to make sure lighting stays within the work zone so as not to disturb nearby residences and businesses.

PLEASE NOTE: This work will NOT impact regular streetcar service as work will happen once streetcar service has stopped for the day and the intersection will reopen prior to daily streetcar service starting at 6 a.m.

DETOUR: While crews are working in the intersection, the traveling public can use Oak Street or Walnut Street via 3rd Street or 5th Street to detour.

Detour map showing Grand Boulevard closed just south of 3rd Street. This closure is only overnight work. Detour via Oak Street or Walnut Street

For more information about the construction of the KC Streetcar Main Street Extension, please visit https://BuildKCStreetcar.com or contact the KC Streetcar Constructors at info@BuildKCStreetcar.com.


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