Westport Train Control Signals
KC Streetcar Constructors will be relocating train signals for the Westport Crossover. This work involves installing new and relocating existing electrical conduit underneath the sidewalks near the intersection of Main Street and Westport Road.
This work will happen in phases and is weather dependent. Starting Monday, January 13, for approximately 3-4 weeks, crews will remove and replace sidewalk panels, update electrical conduit and relocate train signal foundations in the following corners of the Westport Road and Main Street:
Phase 1: Southwest corner
Phase 2: Northeast corner
Crews will complete work in the southwest corner before moving to the northeast corner. In total, the southwest and northeast corners are anticipated to be completed in 3-4 weeks, weather and unforeseen circumstances permitting.
What is the Westport Crossover?
A crossover is a special piece of track which allows streetcars to turn around and switch directions from southbound to northbound. This will support operations during special events or for maintenance if there’s an emergency or if a streetcar needs to go in for repairs. Our team wrote more about the Westport Crossover in a blog here.
What are train signals?
Train signals are traffic lights for streetcar operators. The train signals at the intersection of Westport Road and Main Street will be used when streetcars utilize the Westport Crossover and switch directions.
White bars on the train signals tell streetcar operators when it’s safe to enter the intersection. The image to the right shows what the signals mean.
More information on streetcar train signals can be found in the MUTCD Guidelines (starting on page 1034). Examples of already installed train signals can be found below!